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STRATEGIES FOR THE NEXT REVOLUTION IN NIGERIA (PART 1).   Enlightenment of the Military and Police.   The predominant fear among Nigerians regarding major public protests is the potential for mass casualties inflicted by the Nigerian military and police. This fear is well-founded, with the tragic events of October 20, 2020, serving as a stark […]



Discipleship What is Discipleship? Discipleship is the process of following Jesus Christ and becoming more like Him in every aspect of our lives. It is a journey of transformation, marked by continuous growth in faith, obedience, and love. Discipleship is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is about embodying the life and teachings of Jesus […]

51 Life Hacks I Gave To My daughters

51 Life Hacks I Gave To My Daughters

51 Life Hacks I Gave To My Daughters Financial Independence: Remember, money has no gender. You can earn just as much as anyone, so aim high and work hard. Earn Respectfully: Always choose to earn your money from hard work in the field, not by compromising your dignity. Integrity comes with respect, shortcuts often come […]

Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself __”The first wealth is health”.* A few weeks ago I went to the doctor. I will tell you what he said about my health at the end, but first read this: Twenty years ago, I arranged to meet a well-known British international businessman who invested a lot in Africa at the […]

Time to play?

Time to play? __”There is a price to be paid for the success you want…” [Part 1] When our first child, a daughter who is now 32, was about 18 months old, my greatest joy was getting home so that the two of us could play. And we would play until she went to sleep; […]

Always treat the future as now!

Always treat the future as now!

Always treat the future as now! ____”Before anything else, preparation is the key to success…”* The other day as I read your comments here, I came across this question: “Strive Masiyiwa what’s the current position of Liquid Telecoms with regard to Artificial Intelligence? What’s your word to Africa regarding Artificial Intelligence and the need to […]

This is how you make real money

This is how you make real money

This is how you make real money… __Building the future! I want you to look at this short YouTube video and tell me what you think: As you can see, it is a “flying boat” powered by electricity, just like a Tesla car. The inventor is 37-year-old entrepreneur Dr Sampriti Bhattacharyya who I met […]

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