In the Presence of the Almighty: Finding Renewal and Restoration



Dear Reader,

In the busyness and distractions of life, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Amidst the noise, there is a place of solace and strength—a place where our souls find refuge, and our spirits are renewed. It is the presence of the Almighty God. In the following words, may you be encouraged to seek and prioritize spending time in the presence of God, for in doing so, you will find true peace, joy, and a deep connection with your Creator.

A Hunger for His Presence:

Within the depths of our being lies a longing—a hunger that cannot be satisfied by the temporary pleasures of this world. It is a hunger for something more, something eternal. It is a hunger for the presence of God. As we recognize this longing, we are invited to turn our hearts toward Him, seeking His face with a sincere desire to know Him intimately.

The Invitation to Draw Near:

God, in His infinite love and grace, extends an open invitation for us to draw near to Him. Through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word, we enter into a sacred space, away from the distractions of the world. In His presence, we find comfort, guidance, and the assurance that we are not alone. He longs to commune with us, to reveal His truth and wisdom, and to lavish His love upon us.

Renewal of the Soul:

In the presence of God, our weary souls find rest. He is the source of true peace and refreshment. As we set aside time to be still before Him, casting our cares upon Him, we experience the gentle touch of His Spirit, bringing healing to our wounded hearts and renewal to our weary minds. In His presence, our burdens are lifted, and we find strength to face the challenges of life.

Intimacy and Transformation:

Spending time in God’s presence is not merely a religious duty; it is an opportunity for intimate communion with our Creator. In His presence, we are transformed. The more we behold His glory, the more we reflect His likeness. As we spend time with Him, our hearts are softened, our perspectives are aligned with His, and our love for Him and others deepens. We become vessels of His grace and instruments of His love in a world desperately in need of hope.

Walking in His Presence:

The time we spend in God’s presence is not limited to a specific place or moment. It is an invitation to walk in His presence throughout our daily lives. As we cultivate a habit of seeking Him in all things, we develop a sensitivity to His voice, a dependence on His guidance, and a continual awareness of His abiding presence. Our relationship with God becomes a constant source of strength, joy, and purpose.

It is however helpful when we are able to build a system that ensures we spend quality time in God’s presence daily. This can be done by setting a specific time daily. At this specific time, every other thing is set aside and when we follow such a system, we will eliminate distractions. 


Dear reader, may you embrace the precious gift of spending time in the presence of God. As you prioritize this sacred time, may you encounter the fullness of His love, grace, and wisdom. May your soul find rest, and may your spirit be renewed. And as you walk in His presence, may you become a beacon of light, drawing others to experience the transformative power of knowing the Almighty God.

“For in him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

May you dwell in the presence of the Almighty and be forever changed.

With love,

Osoria H. Asibor


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