How to Know if He or She is the One for Me

Obstacles to Finding ‘The One’

Obstacles to Finding ‘The One’

1. The Illusion of Perfection

Why the Idea of a “Perfect Partner” is Misleading

The search for “The One” is a journey filled with anticipation, hope, and excitement. But one of the first obstacles we often encounter, sometimes without even realizing it, is the illusion of perfection. This illusion creates an image of an ideal partner who checks every box—physical attractiveness, intelligence, spirituality, emotional stability, and so forth. However, the idea of a perfect partner is not just unrealistic; it is downright misleading and can cause us to overlook the true blessings God has set before us.

The Origins of the Illusion

In today’s world, we are bombarded with images and stories of ‘perfect’ relationships. Whether it is romantic comedies, social media, or even well-meaning advice from friends and family, the message is often the same: there’s a perfect person out there who will fulfill all your dreams and expectations.

As Christians, we sometimes add another layer to this by thinking about a partner who will be not just romantically compatible, but also spiritually in sync with us. We look for someone who embodies Proverbs 31 or who could be the David to our Bathsheba (minus the scandal, of course).

The Dangers of Idealization

The problem with the illusion of perfection is that it sets us up for disappointment. When we construct a mental checklist of attributes that define our perfect partner, we create an impossible standard that no human can meet. After all, we’re all flawed beings in need of God’s grace.

Additionally, this mindset can lead us to ignore or trivialize genuine connections that don’t align perfectly with our imagined ideal. What if your true soulmate is someone who doesn’t meet all your criteria but brings out the best in you and leads you closer to Christ?

Spiritual Implications

From a Christian standpoint, the search for a “perfect partner” can easily become an idol that distracts us from our most important relationship—with Jesus Christ Himself. The Bible warns us against setting up idols in our hearts (Ezekiel 14:3). Our ultimate satisfaction should come from our relationship with God, and no human being should take His place.

 The Role of Grace in Relationships

Another aspect to consider is the role of grace in relationships. Just as Christ loves us despite our imperfections, we are called to extend grace to others, including our future partners. Instead of looking for someone who is flawless, focus on finding a person who is striving to live a life pleasing to God and who will encourage you to do the same.


The Reality Check

So, what should you do if you find yourself trapped by the illusion of a perfect partner? First, revisit your expectations. Pray for God’s guidance in understanding what really matters in a lifelong partner. Open your heart to the surprises that God might have in store for you. Sometimes He doesn’t give us what we want because He wants to give us something even better.


In conclusion, the idea of a “perfect partner” is not just unrealistic but also spiritually risky. Instead of focusing on finding someone who meets all your criteria, focus on your relationship with God and how you can grow together with someone in faith and love. It is essential to shift our focus from idealization to a more grounded, godly view of what a lifetime partner should be.

The next time you find yourself idealizing a ‘perfect’ relationship, remember that true love isn’t found in perfection, but in shared flaws, mutual respect, and the joint endeavor of constantly striving to grow closer to God and each other.

By acknowledging and releasing the illusion of perfection, you clear a major obstacle on your path to finding ‘The One.’ And remember, the only perfect love we will ever experience is the love of God. All other forms of love are just reflections of that divine original.


2. Social and Cultural Pressures

The Influence of Society and Tradition on Your Choices

Another significant roadblock on the journey to finding ‘The One’ is the influence of social and cultural pressures. These forces can be both explicit and subtle, but their impact on our relationship choices can be profound. Let us explore how society and tradition can cloud our judgment, steer us in the wrong direction, and what the Christian response should be.

 The Weight of Expectations

From the time we are young, society has a way of instilling certain expectations about relationships. These could range from the age by which we should be married to the type of person we should marry. For instance, you may feel pressure to marry within your community, faith, or even profession. While these expectations can align with Christian values to some extent, they can also become restrictive and make us lose sight of what God wants for our lives.

The Illusion of the ‘Timeline’

Along with societal expectations comes the perceived “timeline” of when certain life events should happen—when to start dating seriously, when to get engaged, and so on. This timeline can become especially stressful as we get older. The clock seems to tick louder, urging us to make a decision, sometimes leading to hurried choices that are not prayerfully considered.


Media Influence

The media, from romantic movies to social media platforms, further complicates the picture by perpetuating stereotypes and norms. This often paints a distorted picture of what relationships should look like, influencing our desires and expectations in ways that may not align with Christian values.

Family and Peer Pressure

The people closest to us can sometimes be the most significant sources of pressure. Parents may have explicit or implicit expectations about whom we should marry. Friends may offer well-meaning but misguided advice. This can be particularly challenging when these pressures conflict with what we feel God is leading us to.

Cultural Norms and Traditions

Culture and tradition play a huge role, especially if you come from a background with strong beliefs about marriage and relationships. Sometimes these traditions align with Christian beliefs, but other times they may be in conflict. It is crucial to examine these cultural norms critically and in the light of scripture.


The Christian Response to Social and Cultural Pressures

As Christians, our primary allegiance is to God and His Word. While societal norms and family expectations can be considered, they should not take precedence over what we believe God wants for our lives. Galatians 1:10 reminds us, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Spiritual Discernment and Guidance

A strong spiritual foundation will help you navigate these pressures. Consistent prayer, studying the Bible, and seeking godly counsel can offer clarity and discernment. Sometimes, the path God has for us defies societal expectations, and that is okay.


In a world filled with social and cultural pressures about relationships, standing firm in your Christian beliefs is essential. Make decisions based on prayerful consideration and alignment with biblical principles, not merely on what society or family expects of you. By doing this, you set the stage for a godly relationship that will be more fulfilling and more aligned with God’s plan for your life.



3. The Fear of Being Alone

How Loneliness Can Lead to Poor Relationship Choices

Loneliness is an emotion we all experience at some point, and it is often heightened when we are searching for a life partner. This fear of being alone can be one of the most compelling yet destructive forces when it comes to making relationship choices. Let us delve into how this fear manifests and what Christian wisdom says about handling it.

The Urgency of Loneliness

Loneliness creates a sense of urgency that can rush us into relationships that are not right for us. You might find yourself willing to overlook red flags or compromise on significant issues simply to avoid being alone. This urgency rarely leads to wise choices and often takes us further away from a fulfilling, God-centered relationship.

The Company of the Wrong Crowd

The fear of loneliness can also make us lower our standards. We might end up settling for relationships that do not align with our Christian values or life goals, just for the sake of companionship. While this may provide a temporary fix to the loneliness, it often leads to long-term dissatisfaction and emotional turmoil.

The Cycle of Short-Term Relationships

Fear-driven decisions often result in short-term relationships that lack depth and commitment. You might find yourself in a cycle of jumping from one relationship to another, hoping the next one will be the one that sticks. Sadly, these patterns rarely provide the emotional and spiritual stability we crave.

Unhealthy Attachments

Loneliness can also lead to unhealthy emotional attachments. In your fear of being alone, you may cling to a relationship that you know deep down is not good for you. You might even start justifying the relationship’s flaws and dismissing your inner concerns, even when those concerns are God-given warning signals.

The Christian Perspective on Loneliness

Scripture offers profound wisdom for battling loneliness. The Psalms remind us that God is always with us, even in our deepest moments of isolation. Psalms 34:18 says, “The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Our relationship with God offers a kind of companionship that no human relationship can match.

The Role of Community and Faith

While you wait for the right person, consider investing in your relationship with God and your community. A strong network of friends and fellow believers can be a powerful antidote to loneliness. These relationships offer emotional and spiritual support and can serve as a sounding board when you are considering a romantic relationship.

Prayer and Spiritual Discernment

Loneliness is often a signal that we need to draw closer to God. By turning to prayer, scripture, and spiritual advisors, we gain a clearer understanding of what we should be looking for in a life partner. Most importantly, we develop a greater sense of contentment and peace, irrespective of our relationship status.


Fear of loneliness is a common but destructive force when it comes to making relationship choices. As Christians, we are reminded that our ultimate fulfillment comes from our relationship with God, not from any human connection. By focusing on spiritual growth and seeking godly counsel, we equip ourselves to make wiser choices in our pursuit of a lasting, God-centered relationship.



4. The Impact of Past Relationships

How Your Relationship History Can Create Roadblocks

Our past experiences have a significant influence on our present actions and future expectations, and nowhere is this more apparent than in our romantic relationships. It is crucial to recognize how past relationships can become roadblocks on our journey to finding a loving, God-centered partnership. Below we explore the key areas where the past tends to show up.


Carrying Emotional Baggage

If you’ve been through difficult relationships in the past, the emotional baggage can weigh you down. These experiences may include betrayal, dishonesty, or emotional neglect. While it is normal to have emotional responses to these experiences, carrying unresolved issues into a new relationship can be detrimental.


Inability to Trust

Past betrayals or dishonesties can severely impact your ability to trust new partners. In a Christian relationship, trust is not only essential for emotional intimacy but also for spiritual unity. When trust is missing, it is tough to move forward in faith and love.

 Comparison with Ex-Partners

It is not uncommon to compare a new partner with someone from your past. However, such comparisons are rarely fair or productive. They can prevent you from seeing the unique qualities that a new partner brings into your life and can inhibit the natural development of a new relationship.

 Self-Imposed Limitations

Sometimes, past relationships can cause us to undervalue ourselves. After experiencing rejection or emotional pain, you might feel unworthy of love or happiness. This mindset can lead you to settle for relationships that fall far short of the loving, supportive, faith-based partnership you deserve.

 Echoes of Family Dynamics

Our earliest understanding of relationships often comes from our family. If your family history includes unhealthy relationships, you might unconsciously seek out similar dynamics in your romantic life. Understanding these patterns can be the first step in breaking the cycle.

 The Power of Forgiveness

One of the most liberating Christian principles is the power of forgiveness. Letting go of past grievances frees you to fully participate in a new relationship. Ephesians 4:31-32 instructs us to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger… Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


The Role of Prayer and Faith

Turning to prayer can help you confront and deal with the impacts of past relationships. By laying your history before God, you open up a space for healing and wisdom. Spiritual guidance can also offer valuable insights into how to move beyond the past.


Your past relationships can either serve as learning experiences or roadblocks to your future happiness. By recognizing these potential stumbling blocks and addressing them with the help of your faith and community, you pave the way for a healthier, God-centered relationship in your future.


5. Lack of Self-Worth

The Connection Between Low Self-Esteem and Relationship Choices

The state of your self-esteem plays a significant role in the types of relationships you attract and maintain. When you undervalue yourself, you may inadvertently settle for less than you deserve, not just in relationships but also in life as a whole. Below are some aspects of how low self-worth impacts your relationship choices and how your Christian faith can be a cornerstone in rebuilding your self-esteem.

The Cycle of Lowered Expectations

Low self-worth often leads to lowered expectations. When you don’t value yourself adequately, you may not expect others to value you either. This cycle can make you more willing to tolerate behavior that falls short of Christian values, such as dishonesty, neglect, or even abuse.

Accepting Less Than You Deserve

When you don’t see your worth in the eyes of God, you’re likely to accept less than His best for you. This can manifest as staying in relationships that lack love, respect, and mutual growth. Remember, God created you in His image, and He desires for you to be in a relationship that reflects His love.

Ignoring Red Flags

Low self-esteem can make you ignore or rationalize clear warning signs in a relationship. Your desire for companionship can cloud your judgment, causing you to make choices that are not aligned with your Christian values.

Sabotaging Good Opportunities

Ironically, low self-worth can also make you sabotage relationships that could be good for you. You might feel that you don’t deserve happiness or that something is bound to go wrong because you’re “not good enough.”

The Healing Power of God’s Love

The Bible is filled with affirmations of your worth and God’s love for you. Scriptures like Psalm 139:14, which declares, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” serve as reminders that your worth isn’t contingent on any human relationship.

Christian Community as a Pillar of Support

Surrounding yourself with a Christian community can be incredibly helpful in rebuilding your self-worth. Through fellowship, mentorship, and spiritual friendship, you can rediscover your value in Christ.

Prayer and Reflection

Make it a daily practice to bring your insecurities and fears before God. Through prayer, you can ask for guidance, strength, and the self-awareness to recognize and claim your God-given worth. This spiritual discipline can transform how you view yourself and subsequently, the choices you make in relationships.


Understanding and accepting your worth in God’s eyes is pivotal to making wise choices in relationships. When you recognize the unique value God has placed in you, you’re more likely to seek a partner who appreciates and honors you, paving the way for a healthy, God-centered relationship.

6. Economic Constraints

The Role of Financial Stability in Relationship Decisions

In a world where economic considerations are often front and center, it is important to acknowledge how financial stability—or the lack thereof—can influence your relationship decisions. It is an area that not only affects day-to-day life but also long-term goals and aspirations. Below are several factors detailing the interplay between economics and relationships, and how a Christian perspective can offer balanced guidance.

 The Reality of Financial Stress

Financial instability can add a layer of stress and tension in any relationship. When basic needs become a struggle, or debt starts piling up, it affects your emotional well-being and creates a divide between you and your partner.

 Choosing a Partner Based on Financial Security

In financially uncertain times, it might be tempting to prioritize a partner’s financial stability over other qualities like faith, love, or character. While financial responsibility is important, it should not overshadow the fundamental Christian virtues that make for a strong and lasting relationship.

 The ‘Meal Ticket’ Temptation

Some may see a relationship as a way out of financial instability, treating their partner more like a “meal ticket” than a loving companion. This dynamic can create an imbalance of power and lead to an unhealthy, codependent relationship that may not align with Christian teachings on mutual love and respect.

Financial Compatibility

While love and spirituality are at the core of a Christian relationship, financial compatibility is also worth considering. This doesn’t mean you have to have the same income level, but similar values about spending, saving, and financial management can foster a healthier relationship.

The Biblical Perspective on Money and Relationships

The Bible offers wisdom on the role of money in our lives, cautioning against the love of money as the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). In a Christian relationship, financial decisions should be made prayerfully and collaboratively, with a focus on stewardship rather than accumulation.

 Transparency and Honesty

Open communication about financial expectations and current circumstances is crucial. Hidden debts or dishonesty about financial matters can undermine trust, a fundamental element in a Christian relationship.

 Financial Planning as a Couple

Once in a committed relationship, it is wise to discuss long-term financial goals and responsibilities. Whether it is budgeting for a wedding, planning for children, or saving for retirement, these discussions are an essential part of relationship planning.

 Prayer and Financial Decisions

Include God in your financial decisions through prayer. Asking for wisdom and guidance in managing resources can lead to better decision-making and a deeper sense of peace in your relationship.


Economic constraints do play a role in relationship decisions, but they shouldn’t dictate the terms of a loving, Christian partnership. By focusing on open communication, financial compatibility, and the principles of Christian stewardship, you can navigate the complexities of finance in a relationship.



7. Unrealistic Expectations

The Pitfalls of Idealizing Relationships and Partners

Unrealistic expectations can act as silent saboteurs in your quest for love. These high or skewed expectations can emerge from various sources, including fairy-tale narratives, Hollywood movies, or even misinterpretations of the idea of “soulmates.” Here’s how having unrealistic expectations can create obstacles to finding a lasting relationship, and how a Christian approach can guide you to more grounded and fulfilling love.


The Fantasy of Perfection

When you hold an idealized image of your future spouse, you run the risk of overlooking great potential partners who don’t fit that mold. These ideals might include physical attributes, a certain income level, or an imaginary compatibility in every single interest.


The ‘Checklist’ Syndrome

Creating a checklist of attributes you seek in a partner can be limiting. While having standards is essential, an exhaustive list can obscure the bigger picture—especially when the list includes non-essentials, sidelining critical virtues such as kindness, faithfulness, and a strong Christian character.


Instant Chemistry vs. Growing Love

While chemistry is important, it is not the be-all-end-all. Sometimes love grows over time, as you get to know someone on a deep and personal level. The Bible reminds us that “love is patient, love is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4), pointing to a more gradual, nurtured affection as opposed to instant fireworks.


Spiritual Mismatch Dangers

Being “unequally yoked” with a partner who doesn’t share your Christian beliefs can also arise from having unrealistic expectations about your ability to change them or the notion that love will conquer all differences, even faith-based ones.


The Role of Social Media

Social media platforms can contribute to unrealistic expectations by presenting carefully curated images of “perfect” relationships. It is important to remember that these snapshots seldom tell the full story and to keep your criteria rooted in reality and faith rather than comparisons.


The Importance of Grace

Every relationship will encounter difficulties and imperfections. A Christian perspective encourages us to extend grace to our partners, as God extends it to us. This means forgiving shortcomings and appreciating our partners for who they are, not who we wish they would be.


Seek Godly Counsel

When faced with the pitfalls of idealizing relationships, it is beneficial to seek wisdom from trusted, faith-based sources. Consult with spiritual mentors, read Scripture, and pray for discernment to manage and adjust your expectations.


Prayer for Realistic Expectations

Praying for wisdom and discernment in your relationship choices is an effective way to combat unrealistic expectations. This aligns your desires with God’s will, ensuring that your expectations are rooted in something meaningful and lasting.


Unrealistic expectations can be significant roadblocks to a fulfilling, Christian relationship. By understanding the pitfalls of idealizing potential partners or relationships, you can adjust your mindset and criteria based on a balanced, faith-centered approach. This sets the stage for a love that is not only emotionally satisfying but also spiritually enriching.


Note: There are 15 obstacles listed in this book

This is an excerpt from my book “How To Know If He or She is The One

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Osoria Asibor


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